
Privacy Policy

This privacy policy defines and governs the manner in which S.K.International collects, uses, maintains, protects, and discloses information gathered from users (each a “user”) provided while using www.skorganic.co.in (henceforth referred to as “website”). This privacy policy applies to the website and all products and services offered on www.skorganic.co.in.

S.K.International assures you that the protection of your personal identification information is of utmost importance to us. If any information that identifies you is provided by you, that information will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. 

This policy is subject to change as the company grows and spreads its ventures. You should check the page from time to time to ensure that you are updated and happy with the changes introduced. This policy is set and effective from 01/04/2022.


We may collect the following information depending on your usage of our website based on the purpose for which we process your data from time to time. This is what we will be generally connecting:

• Your identity data – This includes your name, surname, language and country from which you interact with us

• Contact information – Your email address, telephone number, postal address

• Economic transactional information – Your payment or card data (including your credit card details). Cartrefs collects all types of online payments through a third-party payment aggregator. All data and instruments facilitating online transactions ate stored and preserved in a database maintained and secured by the third party.

• Information on your purchases, orders, returns, and so on 

• Commercial information - For instance, if you have subscribed to our newsletter

• Connection, geolocation and/or browsing data (if you interact with us from your mobile phone)

• Other information (for surveys and/or offers), such as information about your tastes and preferences


• We use your information to manage your registration as user of the website. If you decide to become a registered user of our website, we are required to process your data to identify you as a user of the platform and grant you access to its various functionalities, products, and services available to you as a registered user. You may cancel your registered user account by contacting us through info@skorganic.co.in.

• For creation, processing and execution of the purchase or services contract that you executed with us on the website. We will be processing your data to contact you for updates or informative notices related to the contracted functionalities, products or services; to manage payment of the products you purchase or the services you avail; to activate mechanisms necessary to prevent and detect unauthorized uses of our website, during the purchase and returns process as well as potential fraud being committed against you and/or against us and for invoicing purposes, whereby we make available to you the invoices for products you have performed or services you have availed through our website.

• To meet requests or applications that you make through the Customer Support channels. For instance, if you contact us via telephone and speak to our customer care executive, the call may be recorded for quality purposes and so that we can respond to your request.

• For marketing purpose by personalizing the services we offer you; to analyze your user or customer profile to establish your preferences and therefore, which products and services are most fit to your style when sending you information via promotional mails; to disseminate on the website or through our channels in the social networks photographs or pictures that you shared publicly, provided that you expressly give us your consent for the purpose.

• For analysis of usability and quality to improve our services. If you access our website, we will treat your browsing data for analytic and statistic purposes, i.e., to understand the manner in which users interact with our website, so we can improve and enhance them.

• To send you promotional emails about the latest product releases depending on your interests and previous search queries. This will only be sent to your email address provided to us by you. 


We process your personal data depends for the below purposes:

• To manage your website user registration – We process your data for you to be able to register as a user on the website. We need to process your personal data as we would otherwise be unable to manage your registration.

• Development, performance and making of the purchase or services contract – We process your data because their processing is necessary for us to make the purchase or services contract with you, to avoid and detect potential fraudulent uses of the website, such as while making a purchase or return.

• Customer support –We consider that the processing of your data is beneficial to you since it enables us to assist you adequately and answer the queries or resolves that the requests that you raise through the existing different contact channels. When you get in touch with us for the management of incidents related to your order or the product/service that you acquired through our website, the processing of your data is necessary to perform the purchase contract. 

• For marketing purposes – We are legally permitted to use your data to offer you personalized services, show you customized information, as well as to engage in data enrichment. 

• Analysis of usability and quality – We believe that the processing of your data is beneficial to you as we seek to improve the user experience and provide a higher quality service, by analyzing the website’s usability and our users’ satisfaction degree.


The time for which we will store your data will depend on the purpose for which we process them, as explained below:

• The maximum duration that we will store your data for is 365 days

• To manage your Platform user registration. We will process your data for the duration that you remain a registered user with Cartrefs, i.e, from the time you sign up till you unsubscribe.  

• For development, performance, and execution of the purchase or services contract. We will process your data for the duration necessary to manage the purchase of the products or services that you avail(ed), including potential returns, complaints or claims related to the purchase of the product or service in question.

However, in some cases, we will only process the data until the time when you decide; as in the case of online card payment data that you requested us to store for future purchases (where this feature is available), on your (the customer’s) consent.

• In order to provide customer support, we will process your data for the time necessary to meet your request or application.

• For marketing purposes, we will process your data till the time you unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to the newsletter. By the same token, we will show you personalized ads until you change your mobile or browser settings such that permission to do so is revoked. If you participate in promotional actions, we will keep the data during a six (6) months period from the end of the action.

• For analysis of usability and quality, we will process your data occasionally for the time during which we proceed to carry out a specific quality action or survey or until we anonymize your browsing data.

Notwithstanding the fact that we will process your data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose in question, we will subsequently keep them duly stored and protected for the time during which liability may arise for their processing, in compliance with legislation in force from time to time. 

We may retain data related to you if there is a legal obligation to retain the data, if required to comply with any applicable statutory or regulatory retention requirement by law; if we believe it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse; to enable Cartrefs to exercise its legal rights and/or defend against legal claims; or for other legitimate purposes. We may continue to retain your data in anonymized form for analytical and research purposes. Once each of the potential actions is time-barred we will proceed to delete the personal data.


To ensure that the information provided by you is kept secure, we follow standards like appropriate data encryption, storage, and processing practices. We have also put in place security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our website.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the website and its users happens over a secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures.

Although we offer the use of a secure server while you access your account information, the transmission of information is not completely secure for reasons beyond our control. 

By using our website, you accept the security implications of data transmission over the internet and the World Wide Web which cannot always be guaranteed as completely secure, and therefore, there would always remain certain inherent risks. You are responsible for ensuring the protection of login and password records for their user account.


A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your PC, smartphone or any other device, with information about your navigation on that particular website. Cookies are necessary to facilitate browsing and to make it more user-friendly.

When you concur, the document is included in, and the cookie breaks down web activity or tells you when you visit a specific website. Cookies permit web applications to react to you as a person. The web application can tailor its activities to your requirements, different preferences by social occasion and recollecting data about your inclinations. 

We use activity log treats to recognize and keep track of the pages being utilized. This encourages us examine information about page activity and enhance our site with a specific end goal to tailor it to client needs. We make use of this data for measurable examination purposes and afterward, the information is expelled from the framework. 

By and large, cookies enable us to give you a superior website, by empowering us to screen which pages you discover helpful and which you don't. A cookie does not give us access to your PC or any data about you, other than the information you share with us. 

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Although most internet browsers naturally acknowledge cookies, you can typically alter your program setting to decline cookies, if you prefer. However, doing so could potentially interfere with your use of the site.


We may amend the information contained in this Privacy and Cookies Policy when we consider this appropriate. In the event that we do so, we will notify you via various procedures through the Platform, such as through a banner, a pop-up or a push notification. We may even send you a notice to your e-mail address when the change in question is relevant to your privacy, for you to be able to review the changes, assess them and, as the case may be, object or unsubscribe from any service or functionality. 

Hence, we suggest you review this Privacy and Cookies Policy from time to time in case minor changes are made or we make any interactive improvement, taking the opportunity that you will always find it as a permanent point of information on our Website and our App.


We may share your information that we collect through cookies with third-party systems like Google Analytics to make the login process hassle-free and more user-friendly, thereby improving your experience with Cartrefs. We may also share your information with courier/delivery partners so that we can give you a seamless experience. 


We do not request social login information from our customers. We will not be providing any third parties to display advertisements in our webspace.


Payment credentials, excluding sensitive information like CVV or PIN, are stored in the third-party vendor’s database. All monetary processing and transactions are done through a secure, 3D encrypted, third-party payment gateway provided by Razorpay, which is a leader in online payment systems.


We shall not offer, disseminate, or rent your data to outsiders unless we have your consent or are required by law to do so. However, we may utilize your data to send you special information about different new product releases which might be of interest to you.

In the event that you might want replication of the data held on you please write to info@skorganic.co.in.

In case of a merger, or sale of the company, the information held about you will be transferred to the buying company and will be used according to their policy. 

In the unlikely event that you trust that any data we are holding on you is off base or incomplete, immediately email us as at the above email address. We will expeditiously adjust any data observed to be off base.


We will collect personal identification information from users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to provide personal identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website related activities.


We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children under the age of 18 years. If you have shared any personal information of children under the age of 18 years, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this privacy policy.


By visiting our website or by providing your information, you consent to the collection, use, storage, disclosure and otherwise processing of your information (including sensitive personal information) on this platform in accordance with this privacy policy. 

If you disclose to us any personal information relating to (your)self or other people, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this privacy policy. You, while providing your personal information over this particular platform or any partner platforms or establishments, consent to us (including our other corporate entities, affiliates, lending partners, technology partners, marketing channels, business partners and other third parties) to contact you through SMS, instant messaging apps, call and/or e-mail for the purposes specified in this privacy policy. 

If you wish to withdraw your consent, the withdrawal will not be retroactive and will be in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy, related terms of use and applicable laws. In the event that you withdraw consent given to us under this privacy policy, we reserve the right to restrict or deny the provision of our services for which we consider such information to be necessary.