
Frequently Asked Questions


How long will it take for order to be delivered?

The estimated date of arrival is shown at the time of booking.

What is the cost of shipping for orders?

The shipping charges levied on an order will be determined by or an item will be determined by high-end AI algorithm based on the distance between the seller’s location and the customer’s address.

Are there any delivery charges for placing order ?

shipping charges will be added on your order.

Can the delivery charges be waived off?


How can I get my order delivered faster?

Sorry, currently we do not have any service available to expedite the order delivery and neither do we have express delivery option. You will receive a notification if we offer such services in the future, and your area pin code is serviceable.

How many items can I order in a single order?

You can order a maximum of 5 products in a single order.

If I purchase a product , can I return it?

For products purchased through www.skorganic.co.in , the return will be accepted only if wrong item is sent or product si damaged in transit.The unpacking video of the package must be provided by customer to prove the claim

What criteria will need to be met for me to be able to return a product?

It is mandatory for items to be returned to be unused, unwashed and in their original condition with all original tags and packaging intact. For instance, seeds must be packed in the original box provided with the seeds.

A product shall not be eligible for return if the tag is broken,  if the product is found to have been used while keeping the tag intact. A quality check will be performed before a product is picked up and if it is found to contain body odor/perfume lingering in the item, are dirty or stained, or crumpled clothing items, the product will not be picked up as these will be considered as telling signs of the product having been used already used.

If I pay for a product but later decide to return it, will I be getting a refund on the delivery charges?

Delivery charges are levied to ensure that the seller is compensated for the time and effort spent on packing, shipping, and delivering the order to your doorstep. Therefore, the delivery charges cannot be refunded/waived off it a customer chooses to return the product(s).

Can I place order on a Sunday?

 deliveries will be operational throughout the week, including Saturdays and Sundays, depending on the availability of the seller.